Anticipated Recommendation to Downgrade Ecstasy Raises Concerns
The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs is expected to propose the reclassification of Ecstasy (MDMA). At present, ecstasy is categorized as a Class A drug, alongside heroin and cocaine. The recommendation to downgrade the drug to Class B appears to be based on a principle of “relative harm.”
Such reclassification may be seen as both radical and constructive, enabling drug workers, as well as the wider criminal justice system to take more appropriate action. However, early indications suggest that the police, government and media will react negatively to the recommendation. Instead of a balanced discourse, what is sadly more predictable is a replay of the customary “moral panic.”
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Chas Critcher on Moral Panic Analysis: Past, Present and Future
Hi, I’m working on this new site atm, they’re looking for informed contributors with good writing skills and having read your blog I think your contribution would be welcome.
Talking Drugs is an online space reflecting the global challenge posed by illicit drugs. It provides an opportunity to share stories and insights that will help us find better ways to control illicit drugs and prevent them causing excessive harm. Everybody is welcome to contribute and get involved. We want people to tell their stories – you can document the impact of drugs in your own community and support others telling their stories through the making of videos, taking photographs and translating content to ensure that the message gets out to as many people as possible.
Talking Drugs is managed by Release ( the UK’s centre of expertise on drugs, the law and human rights.
Please check it out at:
Best Wishes, Adam
Hello Adam,
thank you for your generous comment. Your project sounds interesting and I would be happy to discuss the subject of illegal drugs further. My e-mail address is
Best wishes,