The Conference Ends without Closing…
Now that we’ve come to the end, the Compass team would like to say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to everyone who has participated and made our first virtual conference an overwhelming success. The authors and presenters have been, without exception, engaging and professional to the last. We’d also like to extend a special note of thanks to our virtual attendees, who have kept the discussions alive with insightful commentary, and their openness to explore issues across disciplines.
There will be no new content uploaded to the site after Friday 30th October, but there is still much to discuss. All of the presentations and comments will remain on the website indefinitely, and we’d encourage you all to keep engaging with the content so long as there are issues to be explored, and interdisciplinary barriers to be broken down! If you sign up to receive email alerts of new comments, you can keep up with any ongoing conversations.
We sincerely hope you have enjoyed the conference – here are some things that you can do to stay in touch:
- Check out the Compass journals and recommend to your librarian. Researchers, teaching faculty, and advanced students will all benefit from the accessible, informative articles that provide overviews of current research. Personal subscriptions are now also available.
- Complete the post-conference opinion survey, coming to you next week. Your thoughts will help us make decisions about future conferences.
- If you have suggestions, or even just a short comment, you can pop it in our Suggestion Box or Email us
- Access the Publishing Workshops and Keynotes via iTunes (as from the conference website). The raw feed for the podcasts can be found here.
- Share our keynote video lectures via our Vimeo channel
- Tell others about your experience of the conference!
Final reminder: your 20% book discount token is valid until 15th November, so visit the book exhibit before then.
Until next time…?
Thanks again,