- Family Experience of Detention for Migratory Reasons: Findings From a Qualitative Systematic Review
- Early Lifespan Trauma in Finnish Young Adults With an Out‐of‐Home Care Background—An Ecological Systems Perspective
- Intergroup Contact Versus Competitive Threat: Does Immigration Change Immigration Votes? Evidence From Switzerland Using Objective Municipality‐Level Panel Data From 2010 to 2020
- Public Support for Gay Rights Across Countries and Over Time
- Political Regimes, Religious Dominance, and Economic Preferences: Insights from the World Values Survey and Global State of Democracy Indices
- A Research Agenda for Disability and Technology, By J. Seale (ed.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024. 254 pp. £110 (cloth). ISBN: 978 1 80088 863 0 (cased) ISBN: 978 1 80088 864 7 (eBook)
- Family Policies in Low Fertility Countries: Evidence and Reflections
- Unchartered territory? Navigating voice, accountability, and prevention in suicide‐related domestic homicide reviews in England and Wales
- Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto. By Kohei Saito, New York, USA: Astra House. 2024. pp. 288. $18.00 (paperback). ISBN: 9781662602726
- The Place of History in British Criminology: 20th‐Century Developments
- From Isolation to Social (and Psychedelic) Integration: A Sociology of Collective Effervescence and Therapeutic Community in Psychedelic‐Assisted Therapy
- The drivers of deskilling: Comparing highly skilled Ukrainian refugee women in Austria and Poland
- Extreme Temperature Events in Kazakhstan and Their Impacts on Public Health and Energy Demand
- A Trihybrid Approach for Enhancing Crude Oil Recovery Using Effervescent‐Tablet‐Based Nanofluids
- Discursive Extraction: Language, Value, and Capital in Myanmar's Tourism Frontier
- Passive endurance: An analysis of barriers to aid among Flemish farmers
- The Role of Community Social Capital and Collective Action in the Development of Sustainable Tourism
- The Making of an Indigenous Community and the Limits of Community: Class Differentiation and Social Ties in Southern Chile
- Indigenous Perspectives on Dismantling the Legacies of Settler Colonialism in Rural Sociology
- Issue Information
- Reversing the Gaze: Developing Indigenous and Western Media Frames to Compare Coverage of Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the News Media
- Centering Indigenous Brilliance in “The Stories We Tell”
- Introduction: Indigenous Peoples and Rural Issues
- A Systematic Analysis of Statewide Reports on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples in the U.S.: What We Know and Where to Go from Here
- Shared Ideals, But Persistent Barriers: Improving Tribal‐University Research Engagement to Strengthen Native Nation Building and Rural Development
- Engagement for Life's Sake: Reflections on Partnering and Partnership with Rural Tribal Nations
- Solo Journeys: Understanding the Influence of Transnational Sexualities on LGBTQ+ Single Living Arrangements
- Examining the potential impact of universal basic income on labor supply: Focusing on the South Korean models
- Household Plastic Waste Management and Gender Dynamics in Circular Economies
- Human Population and the Biosphere
- Financing and Provision of Long‐Term Care in Europe: Reflections on Intergenerational Solidarity in Care for Older People
- Spaces on the Spectrum
- The stigma trap: College‐educated, experienced, and long‐term unemployedThe stigma trap: College‐educated, experienced, and long‐term unemployed By Ofer Sharone. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2024, 200 pp., Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2020, 186 pp., $21.06 (hardcover).
- How large families fare in Germany: Examining child poverty risks and policy solutions
- The role of volunteer guardians as a key actor in providing social protection for unaccompanied minors in Italy
- Job demands‐control, job support, and depressive symptoms: Unraveling job support's moderating mechanism among social workers in China
- Rationales for service user participation in social care: A regulatory perspective
- Satisfaction with social care in the UK: Assessing the interactive effects of age and ideology
- The object(s) of legality
- Family Media Practices in a Post‐Pandemic Future: Conversations From a Transglobal Research Project
- Careless hospitality: Family reunification in Ireland involving children and young people of international protection background
- Issue Information
- Social Capital and Cultural Health Capital in Primary Care: The Case of Group Medical Visits
- Issue Information
- Transport's role in creating a fairer, healthier country
- Mobility, emotion and political will
- The Orange Ribbon and the Pitiful Child: Investigating Child Abuse, Family Normativity and the Welfare State in Japan
- ‘Can You Please Sit Still?!’: Exploring the Dynamics of Children's Sedentary Behaviours at Home
- Talking Fanart: Small Stories About Drawings and Games
- A Multilevel Analysis of Out‐of‐School Children by Gender and Educational Level
- Children as ‘becomings’—Mapping parental adultcentrism in Hungary
- Parents' views on out‐of‐school learning environments
- Good friends, better society: Peer effects on civic‐mindedness of elementary school students
- Make new friends, leave my friends: A dialogical investigation into transition experiences and agency in children from UK Armed Forces families
- Being family via WeChat: Children's interpretation of long‐distance family relationships
- Agency and voice: Using critical theory to reposition children from refugee backgrounds when considering their transition to school in Australia
- ‘Children should be raised like this’: A history of the neurodiversity movement in Italy and its implications for children's well‐being
- ‘It is intimidating going into your first job’: Young teens and workplace safety
- Young children's perceptions and experiences of school readiness during the transition from preschool to primary school in China
- Issue Information
- School bullying victimization and child subjective well‐being in east Asian countries and territories: Role of children's participation in decision‐making in schools and community
- The role of family and school during lockdown: Notable differences regarding children's satisfaction with their support
- Children's dark pictures—Societal critique in children's and young people's visual and verbal expressions about the UNCRC
- ‘How can you be friends with that fatty?’: The othered body in narratives on weight‐based bullying
- What features of education policies are effective in facilitating successful outcomes for Australian Department of Education students in out of home care?
- Perceptions of children's participation as patients in health interactions
- The legal, policy, institutional and programmatic context for protecting children against online sexual exploitation in Tunisia
- Tracing emotional experiences and the well‐being during the pandemic through drawings by Spanish children
- Fathers' transformative caring experiences of engaging in music and singing with their children
- A new materialist (re)configuring of sexuality, age and the discourse of ‘childhood innocence’
- Dilemma of family education for hearing‐impaired children in China: Responsibility or evasion?
- Societal Upheaval and the Contraceptive Transition
- Fertility Desires and Contraceptive Transition
- Health Transitions and the Rise of Modern Contraceptive Prevalence: Demand, Access, and Choice
- Issue Information
- Issue Information
- Issue Information
- Sufi Warriorism in Muslim Southeast Asia
- Predictors of Desertion: Analysis of the First Michigan Colored Infantry in the American Civil War
- From Roots to Routes: Transnational Spaces and Identities of Syrian Youth Within Everyday Geographies of Istanbul
- How ‘the System’ Affects job Satisfaction and Intention to Stay or Leave—A Qualitative Study Among Child Welfare and Protection Workers in Norway
- “Is voting even effective?” Examining voting and protest as an expression of dissent and their efficacy in risky contexts
- 172 shades of black: Underground Airlines and critical race storytelling of alternate history
- The public university as a real utopia
- The politics of flight refugee movements between radical democracy and autonomous exodus
- Identity politics and the democratization of democracy: Oscillations between power and reason in radical democratic and standpoint theory
- Democratic self‐defense and public sphere institutions
- Manifesting the revolutionary people: The Yellow Vest Movement and popular sovereignty
- Marx's three different conceptions of political change under capitalism: Direct democracy, proletarian revolution, or self‐government under proletarian leadership
- Technology, conscience, and the political: Harold Laski's pluralism in Carl Schmitt's intellectual development
- Not just war by other means: Cross‐border engagement as political struggle
- The revolution will not be theorized: Neoliberal thought and the problem of transition
- Ontology as ideology: A critique of Butler's theory of precariousness
- Democratic rioting: From Tocqueville's tyranny of the majority to the Baltimore uprising
- Intersubjectivity and ecology: Habermas on natural history
- Reimagining citizenship: Exploring the intersection of ecofeminism and republicanism through political care and compulsory care service
- On old revolutions and new constitutions: Constituent power in the Chilean constituent process
- Issue Information
- The illusory correlation between parental alienation and other forms of family violence
- Large and/or single‐parent families: Public attitudes towards pronatalist and anti‐poverty family policies in Hungary