- Disability and Education in Ghana: Intersections With Sex and Location
- Vulnerability and Children with Disabilities: Vision from a Chinese Context
- Population and Climate Change: Considering Climate Change Demography's Past and Future
- Institutional Effectiveness and Economic Development: A Machine Learning Approach With Empirical Modelling
- When Help Is Harm: Health, Lookism and Self‐Improvement in the Manosphere
- Negative social capital and requests for resources in a developing country: The case of rural–urban migrants in Kampala, Uganda
- Mental Wellbeing Needs and Support for Care‐Experienced Children and Young People in Secondary School and During the Transition to Further Education College
- A Policy‐Driven Scoping Review of the Regulatory and Operational Framework Addressing Obesity in Children in Need in Greece
- Religion in the one percent: A study of American elites
- Multiplicities and fluidity in the networked relationships of migrant academics in Britain
- The puzzle of loneliness: A sociostructural and transnational analysis of International Chinese Students' networks in Germany
- “You are too expensive, you need to work faster!”: Ukrainian agricultural workers navigating precarities in Denmark
- Neoliberalism in question: The Philippines' nurse education and labour export as liberal neo‐statist development agenda
- Social networks as double‐edged swords: Understanding the impact of relational positivity and negativity on Hungarian migrants' return experiences
- Homeland–diaspora nexus during crisis: Towards a transformed engagement model
- Agricultural crisis, refugee crisis, or health crisis? Migrant seasonal workers in Italian agriculture during the COVID pandemic
- Circular and return migration of Egyptian migrant workers in Libya
- Persistent ties, evolving networks: Accounting for changes and stability in migrant support networks
- Evaluating special representation of non‐resident citizens: Eligibility, constituency and proportionality
- Beyond mixed embeddedness: Multilevel personal networks of migrant entrepreneurs in Naples and Manchester
- The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on network dynamics among Chinese immigrants in the United States
- ‘You would never pick up the thread from where you left off’: Older Irish women migrants' narratives of non‐return, post‐retirement
- Qualitative analysis of migrants' network data: Using conceptual reflexivity to reveal the ‘magic trick’
- Size and ethnic homogeneity of extended social networks in the Netherlands: Differences between migrant groups and migrant generations
- Political boundary objects in debates over police funding
- Parenting in Context: A Systematic Review of Family Factors and Cyberbullying Perpetration Among Adolescents
- Paul Demeny: An Appreciation
- Accidental Flexibility: The Effects of COVID‐19‐Induced Remote Learning on Graduate Student Mothers
- Democrats abroad: What motivates core activists to engage in political transnationalism?
- Disillusioning ideology: From empty reference to flawed world‐disclosure
- Making sense of critical theory's economic gap
- A decolonial wrong turn: Walter Mignolo's epistemic politics
- To walk the walk: Why we need to make things personal in public deliberation
- The external world and the future of political theory
- The sense of direct action
- Really existing liberalism, the bulwark fantasy, and the enabling of reactionary, far right politics
- Philanthropy and democracy: Two kinds of authority
- The authoritarian orientation in liberal democracies: Labor market and workplace authoritarianism
- Otto Kirchheimer and militant democracy
- The state and society reconfigured: Resolving Arendt's “social question” through Kojève's “right of equity”
- Homo mimeticus, Wayward lives, and The biology of adversity and resilience: Early life adversity and the politics of fabulation
- Issue Information
- Issue Information
- Adam Smith's inquiry into the nature and causes of the death of nations
- Indeterminacy between phenomenology and social ontology: The tension in Claude Lefort's theory of democracy
- Identity, Knowledge, and Antipoverty Politics
- Endless Growth Does Not Bring Joy: Income Inequality, Human Development, and Happiness—A Cross‐Country Analysis With a Focus on Europe
- Lucidity and Its Limits: Plato and Castoriadis on Myth and the Imaginary
- Unintended Benefits: Impact of Place‐Based Policies on the Rural–Urban Income Gap in China's Old Revolutionary Base Areas
- The Impact of Parent–Child Relationships on the Mental Health of Returnee Children: The Role of Social Support and Psychological Resilience
- Doing Divorce—Children's Agency and Meaning Making When Experiencing Divorce
- Taking Settler Colonialism Seriously in Abolition Ecologies: Centring Indigenous Dispossession in Geographies of Carceral Power, Ecocide, and the Abolitionist Ecological Imagination
- Habitus and the relationship between youth culture and transition: A Bourdieusian analysis of musical culture and inequality in Japan
- Navigating Dementia: Political Materialities of Public Transport in the All‐Ageing Metropolis
- Hardship duty: Women's experiences with sexual harassment, sexual assault, and discrimination in the U.S. military By Stephanie Bonnes, New York: Oxford University Press. 2023. 256 pages. $90.00. ISBN: 9780197636244
- Formation of an academic diaspora: A study of scholars from Turkey in the higher education sector in Britain
- Multi‐Criteria Analysis for Effective Rain Water Harvesting Site Identification in Konso Zone, Ethiopia
- Sustainable Strategies for Converting Organic, Electronic, and Plastic Waste From Municipal Solid Waste Into Functional Materials
- Young People's Experiences of Out‐of‐Home Care as Conveyed by Video VlogsNuorten Kokemuksia Huostaanotosta Videovlogien välittämänä
- Environmental R&D Risk Choices and Environmental Policies in a Mixed Duopoly
- Clan Culture, Socioemotional Wealth and Family Business Social Responsibility
- Issue Information
- Unchartered territory? Navigating voice, accountability, and prevention in suicide‐related domestic homicide reviews in England and Wales
- SLSA E‐Newsletter
- Not What the Bus Promised: Health Governance after Brexit By Tamara K. Hervey, Ivanka Antova, Mark L. Flear, and Matthew Wood, Oxford: Hart, 2023, 280 pp., £85.00
- Exploring computational approaches to law: the evolution of judicial language in the Anglo‐Welsh poor law, 1691–1834
- Who Feels Looked Down Upon? Sources of “Symbolic Violence” in the United States
- Community‐Level Food Sovereignty and Wellbeing in the Upper Yakima River Basin: Framing Lived Experiences within Multi‐Scalar Food Systems Discourse
- The Color of State Governance: Examining the Primacy of Race in Social Welfare and Criminal Justice Spending Across Multiple Levels of Government
- Structural Change Effect of Institutions Quality: Empirical Evidence From Developing Countries
- ‘Diversicracy’? Endogenous and Exogenous Cultural Diversity and Interculturality in Education on Both Sides of the Strait of Gibraltar
- Guiding Examples: Democratic Myth‐Making in the Work of María Zambrano
- The First Theorists of Liberal Democracy
- A Parasite Not a Cannibal? How the State and Capital Protect Accumulation Amid Devastation
- Value Foundations of Conspiracy Thinking: New Evidence From European Democracies
- Mixed payment methods and health cost control in China: A machine learning analysis of policy big data
- Preface
- Stories From the Trenches: The Difference Disability Makes in the Campaign Experiences of Candidates With Disabilities
- Apologies, Cheap Talk, and Silence: How People Think About Reputations in Public Goods Scenarios
- Reframing the Relationship Between Fertility and Education in Adolescence: 60 Years of Evidence From Latin America
- Evaluating socio‐economic resilience interventions among out‐of‐school adolescent girls and young women in rural Central Uganda: A quasi‐experimental approach
- A scoping review of parental migration and left‐behind children's well‐being in China
- Navigating the Labyrinth: Challenges Faced by Child Protection Officers in Polygamous Bedouin Families in Israel
- ‘If You Thought It Was Going to Make a Difference, You'd Do It Straight Away’: School Staff Decisions to Report to Child Protection
- Enabling Child‐Centred Case Recording in Children's Social Work: The Voice of Practitioners
- Resilience in action: Poland's response to the migration crisis caused by the war in Ukraine
- Speak Kazakh: Language Ideologies in Kazakhstan's Social media in Times of Russian–Ukrainian War
- The Potential for Changing Public Perceptions on Climate Change Through Narratives
- Inequality in the College‐to‐Career Transition: Building Career‐Relevant Cultural and Social Capital on Campus
- Influence of Internet Use on Farmers' Low‐Carbon Production Practices: The Mediating Role of Capital Endowment
- A Forgotten Tie Between Democracies and Nondemocracies in Asymmetric Cooperation
- Do Conflicts Influence the Accumulation of Bonding, Bridging, and Linking Social Capital? Insights From Cameroon
- Subsidized Housing: The Panacea to Canada's Housing Affordability Crisis?
- Youth culture as a nation‐branding resource: A case study about policy discourse of South Korea
- A Political Theology of Sortition
- The Epistemology of Protest: Silencing, Epistemic Activism, and the Communicative Life of Resistance
- Developing a critical pedagogy of migration studies: Ethics, politics and practice in the classroom By Teresa Piacentini, Bristol: Bristol University Press. 2024. pp. 194
- Trends and Decomposition of Changes in Mortality in Low‐ and Middle‐Income Countries, 1950–2019
- Racialized Narratives and Structural Exclusion: Exploring Media Discourses and Regulatory Practices on US Asian‐Dominated Nail Salons