Category: Opinion

The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Junior

by Delawaregrad As the United States prepares to inaugurate its first African American President, the President-Elect took time out of his final day before taking office to commemorate Martin Luther King Day by honoring his commitment to service.  In an inaugural speech which promises a strong commitment to public service, the below link highlights a portion of the legacy of Dr. King.       Read More   Blackwell Reference Online entry on Martin Luther King

The New Look

By Feistyle, Regular visitors might notice that the site has had a makeover for 2009.  Please be assured that, whilst the name is (slightly) different and the eye in the banner has vanished, the daily examples of up to the minute Sociology in action from our news editors unabated.   We are also now hosting the odd guest post from names you might recognise.

Happy Holdays from Sociology Eye

by Feistyle Our news editors are on a well-deserved break from December 15th to January 5th.  We will be back in the New Year starting with a guest post from Bryan Turner on the subject of Sociology and Religion.  In the meantime, enjoy the holidays. Phil

The Writing is on the Wall

By PThrelfall With the research community barely scratching the surface of the cyber-conduct and behaviors of college students, the recent controversy over a site that has been proliferated and abused by college students is hardly surprising. is a website that has rapidly grown from 63 to over 500 campuses across the United States in the past year and allows students to anonymously post “juicy” gossip, personal exploits, and controversial opinions, all without the threat of IP identification. Its founder...

Compass Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference

The first Compass Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference, to be held in October 2009, aims to help break academic boundaries – within and between disciplines, between theory and practice, approaches and methodologies – by providing a space for multi- and cross-disciplinary review on the theme of “Breaking Down Barriers“. Abstracts are invited for survey/review papers from the disciplines of History, Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Geography, Linguistics, Sociology, and Social Psychology. In particular, we welcome papers that explore: Paradigms | Borders | The Environment...

The ugly side of history

by rbobbitt Georg Simmel’s concept of the stranger is a person who is both near and far at the same time. They are a part of society, yet remain on the fringes, never completely accepted as full members of society. Racism, although disguised into (mostly) covert forms is largely believed to have been overcome. Barrack Obama’s election win to many signified the possible end of a sad era in American history where racial discrimination fueled the headlines. However, despite the...

Guest Posts Coming in 2009

by Feistyle We are pleased to announce that, alongside the daily posts of news items, starting in 2009 each month we will feature a guest post from a notable Sociologist.  These posts will be lengthier than a standard post and will be on a wide range of subjects within Sociology.  Our first guest post will go up (all going well) in the first week of January. We are very lucky to have Dr. Bryan S. Turner as our first guest...

The Berkley History Project

by Feistyle Since 1991 Berkley have conducted interviews with their faculty. The 31 videos are an archive of notable and fascinating thinkers in Sociology. These videos have been collected into the film Public Sociologies at Berkley.     See more   Barrie Thorne on Year Round Schools and the Politics of Time

Welcome to Sociology Lens

Welcome to Sociology Lens, the associated site for Sociology Compass.  On this site we host daily posts, video files and news items from our team of contributors.